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Wrongful Death

New Jersey

Wrongful Death Lawyers

Representing survivors and families throughout the state.

There is nothing worse for a family to deal with than the untimely and tragic loss of a loved one. Our compassionate attorneys will help you and your family get through this troubling time.  We will offer our estate administration services as well as aggressively pursue a wrongful death claim on behalf of the decedent’s estate.

Each state has its own detailed set of laws regarding wrongful death claims. The New Jersey Wrongful Death Act and Survival Statute specify what is considered to be a wrongful death, who may pursue a claim, and what types damages may be recovered.  

Just like any other personal injury claim that goes before a jury, the plaintiff must prove a sufficient amount of liability in a wrongful death action in order be eligible for a damages award. However, not all cases wind up going to trial and most will settle before a final verdict is read.  A jury trial can be upsetting and stressful. Some individual would rather not go through the process.  Insurance companies and other institutions might want settle before trial to mitigate their risk of exposure to a big verdict.  Sometimes, it’s a necessary part of continuing the lawsuit.

It is important to have an experienced team of trial attorneys representing and advising you and your family when pursuing a wrongful death claim. Our attorneys have handled dozens of wrongful death cases. We pride ourselves in our ability to prove liability and maximize damages through the continued use of a select group of experts and consultants.  Our philosophy is to prepare every case as if it’s going to a jury trial, and our results speak for themselves.

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100 Walnut Avenue, Suite 210

Clark, NJ 07066

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